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with RTK receiver
Take cm-level measurements

This article takes an average of 3 minutes and 30 seconds to read
Posted on July 1, 2022
Hello! This is Hatada from Refixia Co., Ltd.
We provide services using location information such as RTK-GNSS receiver "LRTK".Palm-sized RTK-GNSS receiveror,AR application using location informationI'm working on it, so please check it out here!

And here's the device I'm using!
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①Antenna ②GNSS receiver ③Radio ④Battery​
RTK-GNSS receiver equipped with all of

The most popular product in the LRTK series.
This time, I would like to use a method called RTK (Real Time Kinematic) to perform high-precision position measurement in centimeter units.
​ Let's get started!
RTK survey starts suddenly! I would like to go, but first what is GNSS? and RTK? Let's learn quickly about! Of course, if you have already studied it, you can skip to "Let's do an RTK survey using LRTK Pro!"
What is GNSS?
GNSS is an acronym for "Global Navigation Satellite System".General term for satellite positioning systemsIt refers to
It includes various positioning systems such as US GPS, Russia's GLONASS, China's BeiDou, and Japan's QZSS.
GPS is familiar to everyone because it is used for map applications etc. on smartphones you have!
In fact, even if you think you are using GPS in your private life, you may receive other radio waves of this GNSS to obtain location information.
About how RTK works
Next, let's talk about how RTK works!
RTK is an acronym for "Real Time Kinematic".Relative positioningIt is one of the methods called
Two receivers, reference station and mobile stationfrom GNSS satellites atReceive 4 or more signalsand the twoCorrection of positional information discrepancies between receiversBy doing so, a more accurate position is calculated. And the biggest feature is that the error can be suppressed within a few centimeters.
This high-precision positioning enables autonomous driving of drones, agricultural machinery, and construction machinery, which was not possible with single positioning. In addition, it seems that RTK receivers have already been introduced as terminals for surveying in the civil engineering and construction industry.
And there is a way to do RTK surveying with just one GNSS receiver!
It's called "Network RTK".
This method does not require reference station observations, instead gathering reference point data from what is called a "Correction Information Distribution Service".
This "correction information distribution service" is connected to mobile stations via the Internet to correct location information. In other words, RTK positioning is possible simply by observing a mobile station with a single receiver anywhere there is an internet environment!
This "correction information distribution service" includes services such as Softbank's ichimill.
​ This time, I will use this “network type RTK” for surveying!
Let's do RTK survey using LRTK Pro!
​Thank you for waiting! Finally, let's actually do an RTK survey!
Even if you say ​, you can actually measure by simply connecting this unit to your smartphone and clicking the dedicated app.
​ First, install the LRTK exclusive app for free! It's available on the GooglePlay store, so give it a try!

​・Download the LRTK app

RTK positioning module LRTK dedicated app
lefixea inc.

Once the ​ app is installed, connect it to LRTK Pro and the app!
All you have to do is press and hold the power button on the back of the LRTK Pro!
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Everything else is set in the app!

① Connect the LRTK device and smartphone via Bluetooth. (For more informationhere)
② LRTK dedicated appLRTK AppOpen

③ Press the hamburger tab on the upper left of the app screen,LRTK settingsTap.
Device selection fieldSelect the model number of the LRTK terminal you want to connect from,Connect button Press
​This completes the connection with the LRTK terminal!
​ Below is the actual app screen.

LRTK settings

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Device selection

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And finally, let's get the location information!
​ Let's set up Internet type RTK and run it!

① Network RTKto turn on.
​② Enter the information for the GNSS correction information distribution service.
③ Start NTRIP connectionPress

Network RTK ON

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Correction information input

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Start connection

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That's it for the operation, thank you for your hard work!
About a minute after pressing the button, the location information actually appeared on the app screen!
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Summary and next time
How was the RTK survey? It's very attractive to be able to survey with just a smartphone and an RTK-GNSS receiver!
​For more detailed usage, please refer to the video and link below.
LRTK Pro demo video
LRTK Pro full support page
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